The main objectives of Billbrain Institute of Technology Library are as follows:
Support of staff and students in Teaching, Learning, and research
Promotion of a reading and learning culture in general public, especially youth, families and senior citizens
Inculcate e-reading and e-learning culture amongst general public, students, staff and our society at large
Establish a centralised Digital Library of e-books, e-theses, laws, relevant press clippings, annual BIT reports and indexes of other relevant BIT periodicals, documents, and documentaries.
Explore and provide free, purchased, or subscribed global e-resources
Encourage and persuade authors/publishers to provide eVersion of their publications for free reading and paid downloads, where necessary.
Provide remote access to the general public to top international e-collections
Provide remote access to the E-library through Wifi hotspots freely available to BIT staff and students, and modestly paid for access for guest users.
Promote and support access to knowledge
Establish and run a publicly accessible physical Library at BIT